Kewstock Prizewinning Poncho
Date of birth: 2007.04.06
DKK no.: DK08674/2007
Sex: Male
Height: 51,8 cm
Weight: 17,3 kg
Hips: C (unofficial status)
OCD: not checked
Eyes: clear as a puppy
AKA’s: Hippoponchomus, Poncherbuncher, Poncherhunden
Poncho came to us in September 2009 as a two year old. He is the high drive pretty boy. Always ready for work or play.
Poncho is fast on course and whenever he has a clean run he usually wins the class. Poncho truly has a passion for agility and he always gives you 120%.
At home Poncho loves spending time cuddling and he makes sure visitors feel welcome in our home.
A special thanks to Christina for letting Poncho come and live with us.