When your training pays off
Don't you just love when your training pays off and you begin to see some great results? I know I do. I've just practiced some grid work with the dogs - puppy size grids for Zap of course. We did a basic grid and an advanced distance grid with speed bumps. Poncho also did a basic grid with height on jump 2 and 4. Poncho is getting better and better on focusing on the task ahead instead of watching me.
Zap been doing puppy grids once a month since he was 4 months old, but I haven't really seen that much progress in his jumping style until today. Today his style changed completely, he kept his head down and rocked back on his haunches plus he landed centered and balanced in between each jump. It is so awesome to follow the progress of young dogs as they learn to use their body correctly.
Tomorrow the Nordic Championship takes place and luckily for all of us at home they are streaming the whole event http://livestream.com/agilitymasterskap
Pictures from a walk on the beach this week.