Catching up

Finally a break from what feels like endless studying. A two month summer break awaits. Although I will be working during the day, it will be nice to do something else than studying for a change.

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Because of my exams we haven't been up to much these last couple of weeks. The dogs have been bored to death as we haven't been playing much agility but only enjoyed our daily walks in the forest.

To make up for the lack of training, I prepared a course last night for us to run today, but since it has been raining all morning we haven't gotten around to it yet. Hopefully the weather will clear up during the afternoon.

I have spend the morning catching up on emails, organizing classes etc. I am so looking forward to the summer classes I am teaching. I have lots of plans for classes during the fall as well. Dates aren't set yet, but these are the themes for the fall classes:

  • Perfect start line stays
  • Tight turns
  • 2on2off - problem solving
  • The weaves - problem solving
  • Basic jumping skills

More to come about these classes when the dates are set. Furthermore I am teaching jumping skills at VAS, DCH and other clubs during the fall.