Mission Accomplished - Or So I Thought

Zap and weaves. the ever reoccurring problem with Zap skipping poles in the ring and in the ring ONLY! Please read my previous post Mission Accomplished - thought I had fixed the problem but apparently not.

His rhythm is perfect, entries and exits are proofed and proofed again against handling, equipment, handler peeling of laterally, stressful environment - you name it!

There is one thing, though, which I haven't proof Zap's understanding against:

  • A handler (that's me ;o)) with just a teeny-tiny bit of ring nerves.

I have been bringing my stick-in-ground weave poles with me at trials. This way I had an opportunity to reward Zap for the correct behavior at the trial. His been a 100 % flawless when weaving right out side the ring and then skipping the last three to four poles in the ring. Training the weaves right out side the ring compared to weaving in the ring simply lacks the stressed out handler who's in a bit of a hurry. I noticed that I hold my breath while Zap is weaving in the ring. Not a inhale or exhale during those 12 poles.

I don't know why I turn into freakazoid with a spark of insanity when I enter the ring. When I'm training the dogs Tim is always like 'why don't you just do that in the ring?'. I don't feel nervous or overly excited but my behavior changes completely. I get stiff and clumsy.

Damn I really thought I could dodge this one!

Well, I know what to work on, but it just so much easier to train dogs than to change your own behavior ;o)

The video below is from one of the two trials we have been competing at this summer. Not much to say - I do love his tight turns though!