Taking K9 Performance to a New Level
I really thought 2014 would be the year of international agility competitions and championships for my dogs and I, but instead I ended up focusing on personal and professional development.
Last weekend I passed my final exam and became a certified veterinary chiropractor. This has been a dream of mine ever since I started studying veterinary medicine. With this certification at hand I am about to expand K9 Performance adding my own veterinary and chiropractor clinic.
This is a goal I’ve been working toward for years and now I am about to finalize it. Perhaps you’ve noticed that the blog has been moved from k9-performance.dk to blog.k9-performance.dk? Tim is working on a website for the clinic which will be live at k9-performance.dk very soon. All the info you need will be there.
This week all the permits and paperwork etc. was finalized so right now we are working on the last details regarding the clinic. Hopefully very soon I will be able to invite you to the opening reception of K9 Performance – I hope to see a lot of you there.
Just because the vet clinic isn’t up and functional just yet it doesn’t mean that we aren’t in business. You are still very welcome to schedule agility training or chiropractic treatments as I will make house calls if needed. Next weekend I will be in Ribe for the agility competition, so if your dog need treatment or medical care please let me know.
Lots of work to be done and more info is coming very soon.
Although I’ve been missing out on a lot of agility competitions I would not change a single thing. I am right where I want to be.