What do you get an agility nerd for her birthday?

When I turned 12 Fille was present from my parents (Not in a 'Lady and the Tramp' kind-of-way). On my 14th birthday Fille and I entered our first competition. Last year I spend my birthday competing with Cosmo and Zap was a present from Tim and my parents.

Since 1996 every birthday seems to have been focused on dogs and/or agility. This year was no exception. Even though I didn't spend the day at a trial it did involve agility.


My birthday present: A smart-99 displaceable tire :) 
This is such an awesome present - thank you so much.
I wonder what obstacle they'll get for me next year and does it mean that when I turn 29 it'll will be time for another puppy? Only time will tell :) IMG_6404 IMG_6405 IMG_6414 IMG_6423 IMG_6430 IMG_0274