Evidence Of A Not So Bad Weave Session
It's a good thing I filmed Poncho's weave training yesterday. I just watch our sessions and it really doesn't look as awfull as it felt. Yes Poncho has some issues when send from my right, but he does figure out how to earn his reward. We do need to work on the right side, because right now we are repeating one bad and one good, one bad and one good.
I had Zap with me on the course yesterday (you can hear him wimper on the video) and I couldn't resist the temptation of trying his 2on2off behavior on a plank for the first time. We've been working on the 2on2off position on a flight of stairs and added a nose touch. This is really double standard since I don't think it's a good idea to work young dogs on equiptment. I won't work Zap on the plank again until he is older and we've faded the target.
I can understand why some people can't resist working their puppies on equipment, but think there is a big difference between having your 8 months old puppy offering behaviors on a plank (to see how well he generalized the taught behavior) and having your puppy weaving!